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Global Draw FOBT's

Global Draw FOBTs are calculated by a random number generator (RNG) at the manu- facturer Global Draw’s Bedford base. Results for each of the terminal’s games are calculated every second and transmitted via satellite to the Global Draw machines around the country.

When someone bets, the terminal takes the results from the RNG at that particular second and ignores the other results being transmitted until someone is ready to bet again.

In fact,the frequency of results generated gives the impression that it is the terminals themselves that are calculating the results, although legally this would not be permitted.

Theoretically, a person in a Ladbrokes shop in Glasgow and someone in a Coral shop in London could get the same result if they were using the same machine, playing the same game and pressed the button at the same time.

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Recent Player Feedback:

"A very basic hideous machine"
- David, Cornwall

"These machine do not compare to the Itbox or Cyberviews machines"
- Anon

"The Global Draw machines are the only ones I seem to win on!"
- Smithy, Manchester

"20p chips are a winner for me, Im poor"
- Denise, Leeds

"Ive seen much better machines than these"
- Toby, Liverpool

"The bastard child of Betting Terminals"
- Duncan, Burnley

"You can't bet in 20p increments once your bet reaches a pound thats stupid"
- Ian, Chester

"If these machines are random I will show my arse on the townhall steps"
- Anon

"A nasty piece of kit"
- D

"I placed a bet on every number except 19, and guess what 19 came in"
- Simon

"How is it that the following rules apply with global draw..;(1).it only repeats losing numbers, most of the time.(2)if you have 3 numbers the same in the is almost always a losing number.(3)it will almost always go neighbours on losing sections,not winners.they r corrupt!!!!!!"
- Patrick

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