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Online casino gambling annoying people

Annoying People

You find them in every bookmakers shop, the Lurker, they come in many different shapes and sizes and their mode of operandi is always similar - THEY ANNOY YOU

We invite you to let us know of the people who irritate you most whilst playing FOBT's, due to the non private nature of playing FOBT's in a bookmakers shop you are likely to come across people who really grate you, this is the place to let of steam;

We have 3 people who just sit for hours, they never play the machines and give out a running commentary, they should be banned. I snapped a picture as you can see they are sat gawping waiting for someone to play.
- Anon.

We have a resident "tutter" he will stand watching and every time you lose he tuts, this iritates the hell out of me
- Graham

What really gets on my t*ts is when people stand and watch, I like playing the machines but having a crowd watching is annoying, the machines should be a bit more private
- Anon

People who look whilst I play get my annoying people vote, if I stare back at them they look away pretending not to be looking DUH
- Mark, Ilford

Shop staff who put "out of order" signs on the machines when there is nothing wrong with them, they tell me they do this as when they pay out a big winner they have to take the money out of the machines to pay them out!! So the machines stay out of operation till the next day this is crazy
- Leon

People who just watch you play but steal the stools to sit and watch, so I have to stand.
- Anon

People who tell you to bet on a certain colour, they see a lot of reds coming out "so it must be black" these people need shooting
- Mr Happy Crewe

Any shop with Global Draw machines in they are junk
- Mike

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Annoying People

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